Instrumental in the formation of Catopia Cat Sanctuary Inc, having filed the incorporation documents and obtained IRS recognized status.
"Catopia Cat Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized by the IRS, dedicated to providing a safe and loving home for rescue cats in Fort Worth, Texas. Established in 2024, our mission
Instrumental in the formation of Catopia Cat Sanctuary Inc, having filed the incorporation documents and obtained IRS recognized status.
"Catopia Cat Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized by the IRS, dedicated to providing a safe and loving home for rescue cats in Fort Worth, Texas. Established in 2024, our mission is to create a formal sanctuary facility where rescue cats can thrive and find their forever homes. We rely on the generosity of our community to support our efforts to care for these feline companions. Thanks for supporting our cat charity. "
Instrumental en la formación de Catopia Cat Sanctuary Inc, habiendo presentado los documentos de incorporación y obteniendo el estatus reconocido por el IRS.
"Catopia Cat Sanctuary es una organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) (3) reconocida por el IRS, dedicada a proporcionar un hogar seguro y amoroso para gatos rescatados en Fort Worth, Texas. Establecida en 2024, nuestra misión es crear una instalación santuario formal donde los gatos rescatados puedan prosperar y encontrar sus hogares para siempre. Contamos con la generosidad de nuestra comunidad para apoyar nuestros esfuerzos por cuidar a estos compañeros felinos. Gracias por apoyar a nuestra organización benéfica para gatos. "
With considerable experience gained from two previous feline welfare organizations, it was decided to form a new Illinois nonprofit organization with a global outreach, focusing on countries in Latin American which share a common language. Important lessons learned involved necessary education of cat caregivers and the practical aspects
With considerable experience gained from two previous feline welfare organizations, it was decided to form a new Illinois nonprofit organization with a global outreach, focusing on countries in Latin American which share a common language. Important lessons learned involved necessary education of cat caregivers and the practical aspects of soliciting and distributing funds internationally.
Con la considerable experiencia adquirida en dos organizaciones anteriores de bienestar felino, se decidió formar una nueva organización sin fines de lucro en Illinois con un alcance global, centrándose en los países de América Latina que comparten un idioma común. Las lecciones aprendidas importantes involucraron la educación necesaria de los cuidadores de gatos y los aspectos prácticos de la Solicitar y distribución de fondos a nivel internacional.
Instrumental in the formation and guidance of H.E.A.R.T. International Inc, a New Mexico 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. In the capacity of Secretary, began a "Global Outreach Progra" to assist and educate cat caregivers in other countries.
Instrumental en la formación y orientación de H.E.
Instrumental in the formation and guidance of H.E.A.R.T. International Inc, a New Mexico 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. In the capacity of Secretary, began a "Global Outreach Progra" to assist and educate cat caregivers in other countries.
Instrumental en la formación y orientación de H.E.A.R.T. International Inc, una organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) (3) de Nuevo México. En calidad de Secretario, inició un "Programa de Alcance Global" para ayudar y educar a los cuidadores de gatos en otros países.
© 2025 - Coalicion Latina de Rescate de Gatos inc.